Songahm Taekwondo
1st Grade Red Belt
Technical Information
Red Belt Testing Requirements
A. Basics & Kicks = 1st stripe
1. Double inner forearm block
Knifehand high X-block
Horizontal Back Elbow
2. Long upset ridgehand strike
Reverse upset punch - Palm heel strike
3. #3 Jump round kick - Reverse hook kick
Jump hook kick 1 - 4 - Jump reverse hook kick
Step forward jump reverse hook kick - Jump spin
hook kick - Step forward jump spin hook kick
B. Form & Free sparing = 2nd stripe
1. Choong Jung 2 = 46 moves
2. Free sparring (Must use own kicking techniques in sparring)
C. Board break = 3rd stripe
1. Board break once at both stations
2. Self-defense techniques
Move# | Arm | Move | Stance | Section |
1. | R | Knifehand Square Block | B | H |
2. | L | Knifehand Square Block | B | H |
3. | L | Low Block | B | L |
4. | R | Reverse Punch | B | M |
5. | R | Low Block | B | L |
6. | L | Reverse Punch | B | M |
7. | L | #2 Round Kick | / | M/H |
8. | L | Side Kick | -- | M/H |
9. | L | Double Inner Forearm Block | F | H |
10. | R | Reverse Upset Punch | F | M |
11. | R | Palm Heel Strike - Ki-hap | B | H |
12. | L | Reverse Palm Heel Strike | B | H |
13. | L | #2 Front Kick | -- | M/H |
14. | R | Horizontal Back Elbow | M | H |
15. | R | Knifehand Square Block | B | H |
16. | L | Double Outer Forearm Block | B | H |
17. | L | #3 Jump Round Kick | -- | M/H |
18. | L | Double Outer Forearm Block | S | H |
19. | R | Double Knifehand Low Block | R | L |
20. | R | Upset Ridgehand Strike | M | M |
21. | L | Rerverse Hook Kick - Ki-hap | -- | M/H |
22. | R | Reverse Punch | B | M |
23. | L | Ridgehand Strike | B | H |
24. | R | #2 Round Kick | -- | M/H |
25. | R | Side Kick | -- | M/H |
26. | R | Double Inner Forearm Block | F | H |
27. | L | Reverse Upset Punch | F | M |
28. | L | Palm Heel Strike | B | H |
29. | R | Reverse Palm Heel Strike | B | H |
30. | R | #2 Front Kick | -- | M/H |
31. | L | Horizontal Back Elbow - Ki-Hap | M | H |
32. | L | Knifehand Square Block | B | H |
33. | R | Double Outer Forearm Block | B | H |
34. | R | #3 Jump Round Kick | -- | M/H |
35. | R | Double Outer Forearm Block | S | H |
36. | L | Double Knifehand Low Block | R | L |
37. | L | Upset Ridgehand Strike | M | M |
38. | R | Reverse Hook Kick | -- | M/H |
39. | L | Reverse Punch | B | M |
40. | R | Ridgehand Strike | B | H |
41. | B | X-Block | F | L |
42. | R | #2 Front Kick | -- | M/H |
43. | B | Knifehand X-Block | F | H |
44. | B | X-Block | F | L |
45. | L | #2 Front Kick | -- | M/H |
46. | B | Knifehand X-Block | F | H |
Self - defense Techniques
(A) Attacker (D) Defender
1. (A) Two hand choke.
(D) Palm heel strike to Median, Brachial stun with backhand, Upset knifehand strike, Grab with interlocking grip to neck, Deflate with two knee strikes, Clear with a pressure point.
2. (A) Shoulder grab and punch.
(D) Block, Radial strike, Brachial stun, Hook neck, Knee strike.
The philosophical interpretation of the Red Belt is:
"The sun is setting. The first phase of growth has been accomplished."
The first day (the period of time from White to Red belt) of growth is coming to an end. The physical skill has been developed, but lacks control; therefore, physical and mental discipline must now be achieved.
Segments break down: 2 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 5 - 3 - 3
Choong Jung Ee Jahng (2) has 46 movements and its Ki-haps are on the 11th movement (right palm heel strike), the 21st movement (left reverse hook kick), and the 31st movement (left horizontal elbow).
BOARD BREAKING - Evidence of Power
GENERAL: Recommended Red Belts (1R) testing for Decided Red (1D) should do their board breaks, successfully, in class prior to receiving permission to test. However, it is MANDATORY that students testing for Black Belt ranks (including 1st Recommended Black Belt) perform their board breaks at a formal testing as well as their other requirements (i.e. form, sparring).
1. Reverse Palm Heel, Round Kick (High section #1, #2 or #3)
2. Reverse Elbow, Jump Side Kick (High section)
Students should refer to their Instructor for possible Mid-Term testing requirements.
NOTE: Red Belts must have knowledge of all material. All material must be performed correctly. 1R red belts must have at least 21 classes to test. 1D red belts must have at least 21 classes to test. All Red belts must have a proper uniform for testing. A proper uniform consists of a clean and pressed uniform with lettering on the back and patches on the front. All upper ranks must exhibit martial arts attitude with high spirit and motivation.
One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his life.
Edward B. Butler, American Scientist